Micah Tuttle
WatsonVille, California
Commended in 2000 by Eastgate Bible Chapel in Portland, Oregon, Micah and Amy Tuttle and their six children have lived and worked in different areas of Peru. For 10 years, they focused on the northern Peruvian jungles, splitting their time between evangelism, a church plant in Tarapoto, a river ministry to 30 villages along the Huallaga River, and a Bible institute (IBEM SELVA)
While on furlough in 2017, the Tuttles were asked to help equip the next generation in North America for evangelism and missions. They presently work alongside Freedom Teams, a nonprofit organization with a three-fold burden to reach the continent for Christ in this generation through a fresh work that will replicate itself around North America and beyond.
The Tuttles are currently based in Watsonville, California, sharing the Gospel with the many Spanish speakers in the area, with the hopes of establishing a local Spanish-speaking assembly. They also travel around the US to challenge and encourage assemblies, and they make regular trips to Peru.